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What is the difference between ultrafiltration equipment and microfiltration equipment?

On the endless stage of water treatment, the two filtration devices are like dancers guarding the source of purity, each performing the journey of purification with a unique pace.

They are ultrafiltration and microfiltration, and in the field of technology, their names shine like the morning star, guiding people looking for clean water.


Although ultrafiltration equipment and microfiltration equipment are both responsible for removing impure substances from water, the difference between them is like the distance of the Weaver Girl across the Milky Way.

Let's demystify these two types of filters and count their respective brilliance and uniqueness.

First up is the ultrafiltration equipment – an artist who is precise and efficient.

It uses a semi-permeable membrane with a very small pore size (usually less than 1 nanometer) to edit a song of life that is extremely detailed.

On this scale, only the smallest solute molecules can pass through; Not even microorganisms, viruses and most organic matter can pass through this strong barrier.

Therefore, ultrafiltration is not only used in water purification systems, but also in separation and purification processes in the food industry and in the pharmaceutical field.

In contrast, microfiltration devices are more forgiving.

Its sieving accuracy is between ultrafiltration and nanofiltration (typically in the range of 0.1 to 10 microns), and it is like a generous elder, gently allowing more beneficial minerals and macromolecular compounds to pass through.

With its relatively large pore size, microfiltration can effectively intercept more macroscopic contaminants, such as suspended solids, bacteria, and other larger particles.

Therefore, it is commonly used in the primary water purification step or in the sewage treatment process.


Both are idealists seeking purity: one is a strict exclusion of all things, the other is a delicate balance between purity and preservation.

However, behind this, they together weave the dream of harmonious coexistence of the ecological environment, and imperceptibly affect the bits and pieces of our daily life.

When we talk about choice, each device has its specific application scenarios and benefits.

Ultrafiltration maps the purity of water with its skill, while microfiltration shows the beauty of harmony between the elements of nature with its inclusiveness.

In the future, with the advancement of science and technology and the change of social development needs, these two technologies will continue to evolve, and perhaps one day they will be intertwined and integrated to create a new chapter of more advanced filtration.

At this moment, close your eyes and listen to the symphony of countless ticks - the clearest heartbeat from the depths of the earth, the hymn of the water of life baptized by ultrafiltration and microfiltration.

Every drop of clear spring tells a story, and every flowing note condenses into the footsteps of human civilization progress.

Let us look forward to and cherish every movement of these silent defenders, and work together towards the dawn of a sustainable future.